Kakapo net+sd shield
Those of you who have been following my personal twitter account will have seen endless pictures of the shiny new net+sd shield for the Kakapo.
There's plenty of shields with ethernet and SD card support, but there's a few different things about this one compared to others:
- The latest WizNet W5500 hardware TCP/IP chip
- 32kB SRAM, 8 sockets
- Automatic circular buffer management
- Compact 48-pin LQFP chip
- SPI support up to 80MHz
- Variable length transfers to reduce overhead
- 10/100 Full and Half Duplex support
- Built-in I2C MAC address EEPROM
- MicroSD card socket
- W5500 chip is automatically reset by Kakapo reset sources
- W5500 and SD card MISO shield pin is buffered; does not drive pin at all when deselected
- Four status LEDs: Link, Activity, 100M and Full Duplex
- Jumpers for easy disable/enable features; no soldering to free shield pins from features not required!
- Jumpers for W5500 !CS line and !INT lines
- Jumper for SD card !CS line
- Jumper for I2C 4.7k pull-up resistors
- Opening !CS jumpers enforces part remains deselected
- MAC address sticker for easy identification
- All pins used explained on the bottom side of the shield
- Same pins used as the common Arduino Ethernet shield
The shield is going through some final testing, and will be available soon!